Problem: Describe the research questions that will guide your personal data project and the basic data collection plan you'll use. In the first section, list your research questions. The research question is the question that a research project is attempting to answer. Usually, there are more than one. What are you trying to learn from your data project? For most of your projects, you should have two research questions revolving around describing one thing and explaining a few things that influence it. For example, two research questions for a project on happiness might be "What does my happiness level generally look like?" and "What are some factors affect my happiness level?" In the next section, briefly describe your tracking plan. First, what things are you measuring? These should come from your research questions. For example, the above happiness project might track happiness level, caffeine consumption, exercise, and sleep amount. Second, how are you going to measure these things? For example, is caffeine consumption measured as yes/no, milligrams per day, or # of cups of coffee? Does a "cup of coffee" mean a standard US cup (8 ounces), a "coffee cup" as made by a 12-cup coffee maker (usually 4, 5, or 6 ounces), or however much your daily mug holds (mine holds 16 ounces)? Will happiness be on a 1-10 scale, a 0-100 feeling thermometer, or ? Third, how will you collect the data? The simplest way is to write things down with a pen and paper.