
What are ways that the organization can ensure that ksao

Write the answers of the question given below related to the topic "Planning"

Sample Answers to Discussion Questions

1. What are ways that the organization can ensure that KSAO deficiencies do not occur in its workforce?

2. What are the types of experiences, especially staffing-related ones, that an organization will be likely to have if it does not engage in HR and staffing planning?

3. Why are decisions about job categories and levels so critical to the conduct and results of HRP?

4. What are the differences between statistical and judgmental techniques for forecasting future availabilities?

5. What is meant by reconciliation, and why can it be so useful as an input to staffing planning?

6. What criteria would you suggest using for assessing the staffing alternatives shown in Exhibit 3.15?

7. Some people object to staffing flowcharts as making the staffing process too mechanical, impersonal, and cold. Do you agree? Why?

8. What problems might an organization encounter in doing an AAP that it might not encounter in regular staffing planning?

Sample Answers to Applications

1. Application #1: Markov Analysis and Forecasting

A. Describe the internal labor market of the company in terms of job

stability, promotion paths and rates, transfer paths and rates, demotion paths and rates, and turnover (exit) rates.

B. Forecast the numbers available in each job category in 2000.

C. Indicate potential limitations to your forecasts.

2. Application #2: Deciding Whether to Use Flexible Staffing

A. Summarize the possible advantages and disadvantages of flexible staffing.

B. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using FSS as a service provider.

C. Summarize the type of additional information you recommend gathering and using as part of the decision-making process.

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HR Management: What are ways that the organization can ensure that ksao
Reference No:- TGS01528553

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