Reply 1
1. What are various ways the gospel message is perceived in our culture?
In today's world, due to modernity, people have no problem in accepting gospel; they just don't want to follow the message in it (Sam Chan, 2018). Those who do, they do it minimally. Other may perceive the gospel as intolerant and selective, while others may perceive it as offensive, especially when the gospel claims that there is only one way to heaven and yet in today's culture, there is a wide acceptance that there are many ways to get to heaven.
2. What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the gospel message?
Moral reasons why people may reject the gospel includes; having either seen too much hurt and oppression or experiencing it, then wondering why it all happened and yet God could have prevented it all from happening, others is due to the past and modern forms of slavery which God has allowed to happen, others for not knowing what it means, while others is because it does tell the truth about our lives and at times it proves difficult for us to accept the truth. Others may have alternative faiths which may make them reject the Christian gospel. It is also seen as restrictive and out of touch with culture, while others it is because they find it to be being forcefully imposed on them.
3. What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the gospel message?
Some emotional reasons why people may reject the gospel include; during emotional periods in life like when a loved one dies, one may reason that their prayers went unanswered, when people do not understand God's unconditional love, while others are due to heartbreaks and social pressures, while others are being angry with God due to loss.
4. What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the gospel message?
This is mostly when the gospel at times does seem to be farfetched (Carl E. Braaten, 2008). Others are because they are of the view that it is illogical to believe in something that you cannot see while others are due to the fact that there is little room for science in the gospel teachings and thus some of the claims made in the gospel seem to have no scientific explanations making them appear unreal.
5. What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the gospel message?
They should explain to the people what the true gospel teachings are and their meanings. They may also have to be, in their presentations of the gospel, more intentional. The same message but has to be delivered in a unique style or way for it to reach specific minds and hearts of specific individuals. They should preach to them in a loving way for them to open up to the truth, be diligent and patient in their preaching of the gospel and their actions to speak louder than their words, for the gospel to get a wider acceptance.
Carl E. Braaten. (2008). That All May Believe: A Theology of the Gospel and the Mission of the Church. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
Sam Chan. (2018). Evangelism in a Skeptical World: How to Make the Unbelievable News about Jesus More Believable. Zondervan.
Reply 2
1. What are various ways the gospel message is perceived in our culture?
The good news to some mean nothing to some people. They may feel like God never did anything for them so may think, why should I care what His message has to say? Others may have had a bad experience with someone claiming to be a Christian, but their actions spoke differently. I have a coworker who fits this category.
A childhood friend reconnected with her after many years and told her that she had been praying for her because she knows that my coworker is a sinner and she is going to hell. She did not explain the gospel message she judged and condemned her on the spot. Weidner commented in our text bookFinding Your Worldview, that some people think "You must be forgiven for the bad things you have done."(100) is not always the correct way to spread the gospel. My coworker was deeply hurt and never spoke to her so-called friend again.
From that single incident my coworker learned that Christians are mean and hurtful, and she could not trust them. Since we have become close I have explained that it was wrong for her friend to do that and explained the real gospel message that we are all born into sin, just like some babies are born with a birth mark, we did not ask for it, nothing our parents did caused it but when we were born it was part of us. Just recently she came to me and asked that I pray with her during a difficult time, I said sure and I hope that the trust and faith I have in God shown through to her that day.
2. What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the gospel message?
I would say guilt, they do not want to hear that they are condemned no matter if it is our sinful nature or if it is their life style, no one wants to hear that they are a sinner. Some claim that they have not committed any mortal sins, so they are fine. Moral standards would need to be in place before some people even know right from wrong. If you have moral standards, then you already know what the correct way to live. But since we are given free will, we can choose to ignore what Scripture tells and go our own way.
3.What are some specific emotional reasons people may reject the gospel message?
Anger, they may have experienced a specific tragedy and prayed to God, but He did not change the situation, they no longer trust anyone. Fear that if they hear the message they will have to give up the things they love. Pride, they are not letting anyone dictate how they live. Selfishness they do not want to share their feelings or thoughts with God, they love the way they are and want to keep things for themselves instead of sharing what they have with others. Racial prejudice could also play a part in emotions and decision making.
4. What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the gospel message?
Not enough scientific proof, believe the big bang theory or other creation theories, they may believe that the Bible is just another novel and that God is not real because they cannot see, feel or tough Him, His Son or the Holy Spirit.
5. What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the gospel message?
Be patient and knowledgeable, do not be egotistical or critical, be kind and do not judge others, use simple terms and concise meanings, let the person know and feel that you care about them and their salvation. Have an easy to understand version of the Bible to show them and help them look for answers in Scripture. Let them know that you are there if they have questions. Be honest, if you do not have the answers they are seeking, tell them that you will get back with them with the answer or explain that no one has the answer.