
What are typical salaries in this type of job entry-level

Assignment: Informational interviewing


1. Identify someone from whom you would like to request an informational interview.

For example, this can be someone who has worked in the field of your choice or at a company you are interested in:

a. A Rutgers alumni,

b. A Professor,

c. A more senior classmate,

d. An entrepreneur from whom you'd like to learn to further build your business,

e. A professional you identify using First Hand (See PDF on how to use this system)

f. Other

2. Contact that person via email or phone call, requesting a 30-minute phone call or meeting.

3. Prepare for the informational interview:

a. Fill out Interview Preparation Worksheet for Candidates

b. From the Informational Interviewing Worksheet, identify the questions that you will ask your contact

4. During the interview, takes notes on the Informational Interviewing Worksheet.

This assignment finally includes,

a. Your email requesting a meeting (Contact that person via email or phone call, requesting a 30 minutes' phone call or meeting.

b. FinishInterview Preparation Worksheet for Candidates(you)

c. and Informational Interviewing Worksheet

d. Your Thank You email to your contact

Informational Interviewing Worksheet

Use this form to help you prepare for an informational interview.

Discussion with: Date:


What do you really want to get out of this interview? What would make it successful for you?


What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining?

What are the key trends or issues? New developments? Key challenges?

What and where are the opportunities?

What are typical salaries in this type of job, entry-level to experienced? What are the opportunities for career growth?

Entry into Position

When and how did you get involved in this work?

What was your training and background? Is this typical for people in your position and in similar positions?

How important are specific credentials for entry or success?

Job Specifics

What's a typical day like for you or someone in a similar position?

What do you like most about your work?

What do you like least?

What talents or skills do you think are the most crucial to success in this work?

What attitudes or values are important?

Who doesn't do well in this type of work?

How do you advance or get promoted in this type of work?


Would my background be appropriate for this type of work?

What would you recommend I do if I want to go into this type of work?

Are there other jobs similar to yours that you would suggest I also consider?

Can you recommend other people I can talk to, or other resources I can check out?

Knowing what you do now, would you approach this career (or job) in the same way? If not, what would you do differently, and why?

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Operation Management: What are typical salaries in this type of job entry-level
Reference No:- TGS02756032

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