Discuss the below:
Review the Book to answer the questions :
Bachman, R.D., Schutt, R.K., and Plass, P.S. (2017). Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice: With Selected Readings. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Chapter - Sampling
Define each of the following, and be able to identify them in examples.
Elements (cases)
Sampling framing
Explain the relationship between generalizability and sampling, and representativeness and sampling.
Define and describe probability sampling methods.
Define and describe each of the following types of probability sampling. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Simple random sampling
Systematic random sampling
Stratified random sampling
o Proportionate stratified sampling
o Disproportionate stratified sampling
Multistage cluster sampling
Define and describe nonprobability sampling methods.
Define and describe each of the following types of nonprobability sampling. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Availability sampling
Quota sampling
Purposive sampling
Snowball sampling
Chapter - Causation and Experiments
Identify and describe the five (5) criteria that should be considered when exploring whether a causal connection exists. Also, know which three (3) are considered necessary and most important for identifying a causal effect.
Define and describe true experiments. Identify and describe their three (3) core features. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Define quasi-experimental designs. Also, define and describe two (2) common types of quasi-experimental designs - nonequivalent control groups and before-and-after designs (i.e., time series design). Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Define and describe the following threats to internal validity (concern conclusions about causality). Be able to identify in scenarios, and know which designs each are most commonly associated with.
Selection bias
Endogenous change
External events
Define and describe the features of the following types of nonexperimental designs - cross-sectional, repeated cross-sectional, and longitudinal. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Chapter - Survey Research
Define survey research. Discuss why it is attractive.
Consider writing survey questions.
Define and describe open-ended and close-ended questions. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Discuss the importance of clear and meaningful survey close-ended question construction, particularly how it relates to following. Be able to identify these problems.
o Confusing phrasing and vagueness
o Negatives and double-negatives
o Double-barreled questions
Discuss the importance of clear and meaningful survey close-ended question construction, as it relates to the following. Be able to identify these in examples.
o Mutually exclusive response choices
o Exhaustive response categories
o Likert-type response categories
Define and describe the features of each of the following survey designs. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Mailed (self-administered) surveys
Group-administered surveys
Telephone surveys
In-person interviews
Electronic surveys
Discuss the ethical issues in survey research.
Chapter - Qualitative Methods
Define qualitative methods. Describe the features of qualitative research (i.e., field research).
Define and describe the features of the following qualitative research designs. Be able to determine when to use, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Participant observation
o Complete observation
o Participant and observation
o Covert participation
Intensive interviewing
Focus groups
Discuss the importance of building and maintaining relationships, documenting personal experiences and managing the personal dimensions when conducting qualitative research.
Discuss the ethical issues in qualitative research.