A. Chandra is a 19-year-old freshman at a small junior college. She was the youngest of four children and was raised by her mother and father who lived in New Orleans until hurricane Katrina destroyed their home and they were forced to move in with her father's parents in Alabama. Chandra lost all of her possessions in the devastation caused by Katrina (which occurred when Chandra was in her first year of high school). During high school, she attended an urban high school in New Orleans. She has come to the workforce services center to get some help in making a career and technical decision. She is clear that her experience with Katrina has changed her and she wants to make a difference in the lives of others, especially those who are in "difficult situations" like she was. Toward the end of the first session, she asks you about the Certified Nursing Assistant program. What are some strategies that you think could be effective in helping this student?
B. What are the main barriers for students when choosing a career path?
C. Identify the following topics with issues or problems for you and your work as a career and technical specialist.
a. A student who firmly believes she should choose the occupation her parents have identified for her, despite the fact that she has no interest in this occupation.
b. What are two strategies you could use to foster positive workforce development in children?
c. How could you help parents/guardians to help their children experience positive career development?
D. A is a 17-year-old male who will be graduating in a few months. His father owns a small house-painting business, and his mother is an assistant librarian in the public library. He is above average in verbal ability and math, and he will graduate in the upper 25 percent of his class. He wants to go to college, but his parents cannot afford to send him. What factors do you think could negatively influence his career/workforce development?
E. Student 1 and Student 2 both attend the same college. Student 1 obtained a generous scholarship , but will still have to work 15 hours per week to support himself, whereas student 's 2 parents are helping with the entire expense for their son's college education. Both students want to attend law school after completing their Bachelor of Arts degrees. Who would you help first Student 1 or Student 2?