
What are two specific nutritional strategies you implement


A. What are two things that hinder your ability of making the healthy eating choices outlined?

a. Be specific. If the answer is "time," what is it about time? How much more of it do you need? Why/how does that make it difficult?
b. Consider all levels of the socio-ecological model

B. What are two specific nutritional strategies you might implement now to improve your health?

a. Again, please be specific. Rather than, "I will add more veggies to my day," consider, "I will add carrots and celery to my dinners each weeknight OR I will pack my lunch for work instead of buying from the food cart."

b. Consider when/how/how much/what specifically you will when writing these strategies.

C. Describe one organizational, environmental, or public policy level intervention that can improve nutrition for individuals in our society.

YouTube Video: "Illuminating Intersections: Hunger and Health".

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