What are two of your least favorite things to do


A. What are three of your greatest strengths? (120 WRDS)

B. What two things seem harder for you than for other kids your age? (120 WRDS)

C. What are two of your favorite things to do? (120 WRDS)

D. What are two of your least favorite things to do? (120 WRDS)

E. Provide three of your recent successes (big or small) and why were you successful for each? (120 WRDS)

F. Provide two things you did recently that you could have done better and, if given a chance, how would you do these things differently? (120 WRDS)

G. Who do you turn to for help with things that are hard for you? (120 WRDS)

H. Provide 3 things that you think you can't du and explain why for each. (120 WRDS)

I. Identify what are you afraid of for each of your answers in (H). (120 WRDS)

J. Explain why you should try to du the things you identified in (H). (120 WRDS)

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