Question 1: According to PMI, project management is the application of knowledge, _________ tools, and techniques to meet project requirements.
Question 2: If someone had asked you to define project management before you read this section, how would you have defined it? How did your definition differ from the PMI definition?
Question 3: What aspect of project management was omitted from the PMI definition that is included in the definition proposed by Meredith and Mantel? If you were on the PMI decision-making body, would you vote to include it? Explain your choice. "
Question 4: The project scope is the ______required to complete the project successfully.
Question 5: What are two defining characteristics of a project that distinguish it from a process?
Question 6: Operations managers are focused on________________, while project managers are focused on the goals of the project.
Question 7: Business managers focus on improving efficiency and effectiveness, but sometimes they use a project management approach to make significant changes. What often prompts them to use the project management approach? What would be an example? describe the benefits of IT project management.
Question 8: According to PMI, all projects are _____ and undertaken to create product or service that is unique.
Question 9: The project is affected by the type of ____________in which the project is conducted and how the organization is organized to manage projects.
Question 10: Project managers need the same skills as an operations manager, including communications, team building, planning, expediting, and _______ sensitivity.