
What are two choices and potential consequences of choices


Analyze the case study below and identify:

A. What is the dilemma here? (Problem Identification)
B. What are at least 2 choices and potential consequences of those choices that can be made in this case?
C. Who are at least 4 stakeholders and what are their perspectives in this case?
D. What are the consequentialist/non-consequentialist perspective to this case.
E. Explain your logical argument about how West School District should handle this dilemma.

The Constitution and Civil Discourse - Free Speech and School Walkouts

In an open letter to the students and the community, the school officials explained that in an increasingly polarized society, the message-free clothing policy would reduce the potential for distractions and disruptions in favor of an orderly learning environment. The school board sought to avoid any disruptions that might arise from students wearing clothing with offensive or controversial logos or slogans. The school officials reported in the letter that class time had recently been taken up in heated discussions around T-shirts with messages in the past.

In response, the West High School Student Government Association (SGA) announced on social media that the first day back from spring break would be Free Speech Day with a walkout staged by the students. The walkout was scheduled during the first lunch period, when half of the student body would be at lunch and half would be in class. Students were to wear their free speech T-shirts under their clothes so that the only time the messages would be visible was during the protest. The plan was to meet off campus at the public parking lot across the street from the school.

Other students commented on social media that they agreed with the dress code because racist or other discriminatory messages on clothes are disruptive, as are student walkouts, especially with important tests scheduled in the coming weeks.
The school administration learned about the walkout and the principal sent out a robocall, warning that students who walked out of school would face consequences for disrupting the learning environment. The principal explained in the robocall that students were expected to remain in class and those on lunch break may not leave campus because the school's policy requires students to stay on school grounds during the school day for their own safety. Approximately 75 students - almost half of the student body - came from the cafeteria and the classrooms to meet in the public parking lot as part of the walkout.

Some students carried signs that read: "Civic Action Isn't Disruptive, It IS my Civics Education." Many wore T-Shirts that read: "We Don't Shed Our Rights at the Schoolhouse Gate" a reference to the Supreme Court's 1969 decision in Tinker v. Des Moines, long considered the landmark case defining students' free speech rights at school. The principal gave detention to all of the students who participated in the walkout - the same consequences students receive when they skip classes or leave the school grounds during the school day.

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