A. Why is H2O concerned about the aquaporins shutting down? What are aquaporins, and how are they involved in plasma membrane transport? In addition to the use of aquaporins, what is another way H2O can cross the plasma membrane? Is this second way sufficient? Explain your answer.
B. Both GLUCOSE and AMINO ACID claim to have a special relationship with their respective transport proteins. What is the basis for their claims?
C. Could O2 and CO2 make the same claim as GLUCOSE and AMINO ACID? Why or why not?
D. PHIL LIPID and PROFESSOR TOSOL discuss the Great Dehydration. Explain what you think occurred during the Great Dehydration. Why are sports drinks recommended to prevent, or treat, dehydration?
E. In an interview with CHLOE ESTEROL, O2 says that if GLUCOSE can't enter The Cell, then cellular respiration would be affected. Explain the connection between glucose, oxygen, and cellular respiration.
F. What are transport proteins and why are they important? What would happen to The Cell if the transport proteins went on strike?