What are three must-haves for a company blog

Discussion: "Goals Of A Blog"

• Your company has decided to start a blog for their customers. What are three must-haves for a company blog? Why have you decided upon these must-haves? Justify your response.

• Some businesses have transferred from using the traditional blogs and are now creating vlogs (video blogs). Create a 1-2 minute video to serve as a vlog for your business.

o Information on creating a vlog:

- Blackboard has a video capturing application that you can install and use called Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Recorder (Kaltura for short). It may be easiest to submit your vlog in this discussion board by using this application. It is found by clicking on Insert Mashup option in your text editor box, then selecting Kaltura Media. For a help document that demonstrates installing and making a video using the Kaltura CaptureSpace Desktop Reorder click here.

- You may use an iPad, cellphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record your vlog discussion response but you will need to upload to the Kaltura Media site before you can submit it. The help video (above) will also demonstrate uploading a non-Kaltura recorded video.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: What are three must-haves for a company blog
Reference No:- TGS03005874

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