
What are three business goals you want to achieve in the

For this phase of your project, you will think about the goals of your business, some internal and external factors affecting the business, as well as the organizational structure of the business.

For your strategic plan, please provide the following information:

Company Profile and Strategy

· What are three business goals you want to achieve in the first year? Why are these goals relevant or important?

· List two goals that you would like to achieve within the next 3 to 5 years. Why are these goals relevant or important to your business?

SWOT Analysis

· List 3 internal strengths that your company has.

What do you have going for you or already working in your favor? Highlight this area! Remember that you are trying to prove why your business will be successful.

· List at least 3 internal weaknesses of your company.

Why you feel that they are weaknesses? What could potentially happen as a result of these weaknesses?

How will you combat each weakness that you listed above?

· List at least 3 opportunities for your product or service.

For each opportunity that you describe, specify why you feel that it is an opportunity.

Remember that opportunities are items that you found in your analysis that your company will be able to capitalize on. Try to refer to some of the areas that you discussed in your industry analysis.

· List at least 3 potential threats that may hurt your business.

Why are these threats? What can you do to address and/or minimize the threats?

Remember that threats are always external factors; sometimes even uncontrollable factors. Your threats should be revealed through your industry analysis.

Raw Materials

· Explain what raw materials and supplies you will need to run your business.

How will you produce your good? What equipment do you need? What hours will you operate?

Management Team

· Who are the key individuals who will manage the business?

· Provide brief background information on each management team member and why they were a good fit for their position.

· Outline how each manager's contribution will positively impact the business.

· What is it about that particular manager that will help the business succeed?

Use clear, concise, complete sentences, transitions between paragraphs, standard spelling, grammar, and punctuation as expected in a professional business plan.

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Operation Management: What are three business goals you want to achieve in the
Reference No:- TGS02495768

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