
What are these authors working to heal from give one

1. Parejo Vadillo discusses three works by Aboriginal Canadian authors in her essay. What are some of Parejo Vadillo's key points about how all three of these books have been effective in giving voice to the Native female subjects of these stories? What is this important?

2. How does Parejo Vadillo describe these three literary works (include their titles and authors) as being part of their authors' attempts to heal? What are these authors working to heal from? Give one specific example of this healing project in relation to Maria Campbell and Halfbreed.

3. What does Parejo Vadillo explain about the relationships between Native women's autobiographies and the construction of identity? How is literature important in this process?

4. Outline Parejo Vadillo's claims about the ways Native women's stories generally, and Campbell's autobiography specifically, confront colonialism, racism, and/or sexism.

5. Why does Parejo Vadillo believe it is significant that these women write from within community and Native storytelling traditions? How does that shape their written stories and their expression to readers?

6. How does Parejo Vadillo perceive that in the case of these Native women's autobiographies, the "personal becomes political"? Why does she feel this is important?

• Your opinion: Has reading this essay in any way enhanced your understanding of, or response to, Maria Campbell's autobiography? If so, explain how. If not, explain why not

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Dissertation: What are these authors working to heal from give one
Reference No:- TGS02538642

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