
What are thereasons for destination brandingwhy is your

Coursework : Destination Branding Essay

3000 words

Critique a destination brand of your choice using a brand management perspective.

General themes to be explored

What are thereasons for destination branding?

Why is your chosen destination an example of destination branding good or bad practise?

Having analysed this brand what theoretical and/or practitioner recommendations would you make?

Appendices (do not count in word limit)

Relevant tables, diagrams, examples, and background information.


A list of theoretical sources: books, journal articles, online resources, using the University's stated referencing method and referred to in the text.


You may decide to write from a number of perspectives, for example:

o An essay analysing destination branding

o A case study of a good/bad example of destination branding

o Strategy recommendations for destination branding a particular location

N.B. Your analysis needs to:

o Identify and analyse the main reasons for destination branding

o Support your analysis with evidence from research, examples, and wider theoretical understanding

Useful sources for this essay:

• Brooker, E. & Burgess, J. (2008) Marketing destination Niagra effectively through the tourism life cycle, International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 20(3): 278-292

• Chapman, A. and Speake, J. (2011) Regeneration in a mass-tourism resort: The changing fortunes of Bugibba, Malta, Tourism Management, 32(3): 482-491

• Henderson, J.C. 2007, Uniquely Singapore? A case study in destination branding, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13(3): 261-274.

• Puckzo, L., Ratz, T. & Smith, M. (2007) Old city, new image: perception, positioning and promotion of Budapest. Journal of travel and tourism marketing, 22(3:) 21

• The United Nations World Tourism Organisation: https://www2.unwto.org/

• For further suggested reading please see the module reading list

Mark Scheme

Understanding and reviewing relevant branding theory 30%

Use of appropriate examples and literature to support arguments 25%

Originality of analysis and discussion 30%

Quality of writing, structure & referencing 15%

Deadline (via Turnitin) is: December 16th 2017

4.4 Assignment Guidance

You will gain good marks for showing critical awareness, an ability to identify the relevant theory and apply it to the case study and show a contextual understanding of the issues identified in the case study and which relate to global branding and brand management. Emphasis is also put on good writing skills and a clear and fluent presentation and structure of your work.

4.5 Referencing

Referencing is a critical aspect of this assessment. You will be required to search for and review the appropriate sources required to address the questions.

You should familiarise yourself with the resources available through the University and in particular Summon. Academic journal articles should be the main focus for your reading and referencing of the marketing concepts, with a variety of other sources contributing towards the research and referencing requirements for the context and application elements (e.g. industry reports, web sites, texts).

The University's preferred referencing style is APA6th. Always ensure that you use this system of referencing only.

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Marketing Research: What are thereasons for destination brandingwhy is your
Reference No:- TGS02566675

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