Compose a first-person narrative (i.e., a journal entry, personal blog, podcast script, etc.) reflecting the perspective of a person looking to access mental health and/or addiction services.
Research a population (i.e., newcomers to Canada, single parents, members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community) and develop a perspective surrounding what somebody from this population might experience with their first experience with the mental health and/ or addictions sector.
Consider the following to guide your creative process:
a) Who is this person? What are their values?
b) What is important to this person? What are their goals related to care/ recovery?
c) What might be some of the person's unique needs or concerns that should be considered?
d) Does this person face any barriers?
e) Does this person have any strengths?
f) Apply the social determinants of health lens throughout your response. look for five hundred to seven fifty words