A. What are traditional gender roles and stereotypes in Cambodia, and how have these changed due to globalization?
B. What is appealing about bar work? What are the downsides of bar work? What are the women hoping to achieve in the bars?
C. How are Cambodian hostess bar workers viewed by larger society--based on stereotypes and expectations of gender roles, but also material benefits they can bring to their families?
D. What does Dr Hoefinger mean when she states that Cambodian female bar workers are "creating new ideas and meanings of Khmer womanhood"? (Khmer is the term used to describe Cambodian ethnicity).
E. How does this relate to concepts you read about in the Lecture 5 Powerpoint? (feminization of poverty, feminization of migration, gender roles, overburdened women, etc) (be sure to CITE the powerpoint properly!)
F. Can you relate the phenomenon outlined in the article to anything discussed in class, to your own life, or to similar phenomena in the US?