1. Where in the monocyte were the viral proteins processed?
2. What are the viral proteins connected to on the surface of the monocyte?
3. What is released by the activated T-Cell?
4. Which type of immunity (active or passive) is represented by the following:
a. Mother nursing baby ______________
b. Flu vaccine __________
c. Sick Person _________
d. Someone receiving an antibody __________
e. Long Lasting ________
f. Immediate _________
g. Short Term _________
5. List differences between specific and non-specific immunity:
6. Identify which of the following relate to specific or non-specific immunity:
A. Humoral _____________
B. Inflammation ____________
C. Phagocytosis ____________
D. Normal flora ____________
E. Cellular ____________
F. Physical barrier ___________
7. Describe the asymmetrical distribution of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts:
8. Explain why lymphatic vessels have valves:
9. List some causes of lymphedema: