
What are the various types of risk an organization can face

Assignment 1: Mitigating Risks

• What are the various types of risk an organization can face?

• What types of policies and measures can be implemented to mitigate those risks?

• If an organization had no risk mitigation, where would you recommend they start implementing policies and measures? Why?

Write a one-page paper to summarize your thoughts.

Assignment 2: Complete Case Study 15-2 on page 689 of the Ciampa text

Create your own acceptable use policy (AUP) for the computers and network access for your school or organization. Make sure to cover computer use, Internet surfing, email, web, and password security. Compare your policy with those of other students in the class. Finally, locate the acceptable use policy for your school or organization. How does it compare with yours? Which policy is stricter? Why? What changes would you recommend in the school's or organization's policy? Write a one-page paper on your findings.

Assignment 3: Complete Case Study 15-3 on page 689 of the Ciampa text

Using the information contained in Table 15-4, research the four non-persistence tools described. Create a document that defines each type of tool, how it should be used, how it should not be used, and give three examples of each type of tool.

Assignment 4: Complete Case Study 15-6 on page 689 of the Ciampa text

Chef's Market is a regional restaurant chain that was recently purchased by new owners, who want to create new security policies. Because they have no experience in this area, they have hired LPSC to help them.

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains what a security policy is, the security policy cycle, and the steps in developing a security policy. The presentation should be 10 slides in length.

2. Chef's Market is ready to start developing security policies and wants to make the security- related human resource policy its first. Create a one-page draft of a policy for them.

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Dissertation: What are the various types of risk an organization can face
Reference No:- TGS02935150

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