
What are the various forms of dispute resolution to bmw


Watch the following two videos, "BMW Goes to War Against Chinese Carmaker?" and "The 2nd Amendment to China's Patent Law",


The primary types of intellectual property include patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, and trade secrets. Intellectual property often is a key factor in enabling companies to differentiate themselves and their products or services from those of their competitors, and therefore they can be a key factor underlying a firm's competitive advantage within and across nations. Protecting these intellectual properties is an important objective, legally and strategically.

What are the various forms of dispute resolution available to BMW? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each for BMW? Would your analysis be any different if the customer was from China and other developing countries (i.e. BRICs, ASEAN, etc.)? What if the customer was from the G-7 countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States? What should be the company's strategies in these situations? Support your comments with information from this week's lecture, readings and your research. Illustrate and reinforce your answer with practical examples.

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Microeconomics: What are the various forms of dispute resolution to bmw
Reference No:- TGS01855552

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