
What are the valuesvirtues in tension make a preliminary

The Problem: The Case of the Bug Spray

As a bio-tech firm, you are concerned over the outcry against genetically modified food products. A sister division is working on production of genetically modified seeds which will (in your mind) be much more disease resistant and nutritionally sound and another which is concerned with products which will enhance the performance of athletes.

However, you have a new twist on the situation. Evidentially, in California which is where one of your test fields is located, there has been an outbreak of a particularly nasty bug which causes leaf blight. The Executive Committee has asked you to consider this situation and give it your considered opinion. The company is not too worried because your product should be resistant to this particular infestation. However, the various other farmers in the area are gathering together to request that the State of California spray all of the farms in the area with a chemical which will take care of the problem but, if the chemical gets on the fields of the organic farmers, the farms will lose their organic status. The Executive Committee of your company has been approached by two groups. One is representative of the traditional farmer which represents about 80% of the market. This group is requesting your support for the general spray to protect their crops. The second group is the organic farmers who represent about 20% of the market. They are concerned that if the general spray happens they will lose their organic certification which takes about 5 years to earn. Thus, they will basically be out of business. The Executive Team has asked you to write a white paper on this issue which will become the official company position.

Please complete each section of this worksheet.

Be Intelligent

Now we identify the issue, as well as the elements in tension. Please address the following questions:

What is the very specific issue to be resolved? At this stage the person making the decision states the issue in the form of a question to be answered. The person making the decision must make sure the question is an ethical question, not a technical question about how to do a job or a matter of personal preference.

What are the values/virtues in tension? Make a preliminary identification of the values/virtues in tension. What are the tensions in the right treatment of people? What are the tensions in the right use of property ... both individual rights and community rights (such as roads and parks)? What are the tensions concerning the right use of power... how have those who do not have access to information, resources, or autonomy been protected?

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Operation Management: What are the valuesvirtues in tension make a preliminary
Reference No:- TGS02565846

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