
What are the two terms that go into the standard-form

1. What are the two terms that go into the standard-form categorical claim?

Initial term and background term

Plain term and common sense term

Category term and individual term

Subject term and predicate term

First term and second term

2. Each standard form of categorical logic has its own graphic illustration known by what name?

Overlapping regions

Block of exclusion

JoHari window

Venn diagram

Square of opposition

3. What circumstances are necessary for two claims to be equivalent?

They would be true in all and exactly the same circumstances.

They match perfectly in form but address differing topics.

They match but one of the issues cannot be affirmed as true.

They both give a graphic illustration of standard-form claims.

They express differing relations within the same class or category

4. Logical relationships between corresponding claims of standard-form categorical logic are illustrated in the graphic square of opposition. What is known about two claims when they are called subcontrary claims?

They would share the same predicate term.

They would share the same subject term.

They need not be in the same standard form of translation.

They can both be true, but they cannot both be false.

Only one of them can be true.

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Business Economics: What are the two terms that go into the standard-form
Reference No:- TGS01292335

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