
What are the two most abundant elements in earths crust


For Questions 1-7,
a = Cinder Cone
b = Composite Volcano
c = Shield Volcano

1. What type of volcano is a tall, steep-sided cone formed by the accumulation of both pyroclastic materials and lava flows?
2. What type of volcano has gentle slopes produced by the accumulation of extensive lava flows?
3. What type of volcano is a product of a single eruptive episode and will not erupt again?
4. Kilauea in Hawaii is one of the most studied and active volcanoes in the world. What type of volcano is it?
5. The major peaks in the Cascade Range such as Mount Saint Helens are what type of volcanoes?
6. Which type of volcano is the most potentially dangerous?
7. Which of the above would be a relatively small and simple volcano made of pyroclastic materials?

For questions 8-18,

a = mafic (basalt)
b = intermediate (andesite)
c = felsic (granite)

8. Which igneous rock composition is primarily made of dark-colored silicate minerals?
9. Continental crust has an average composition that is comparable with which igneous composition?
10. Oceanic crust is composed of igneous rocks of which composition?
11. An igneous composition that is common in volcanoes along subduction zones.
12. Which magma composition has the greatest silica content?
13. Which magma composition has the greatest viscosity?
14. Which magma composition would produce the most fluid-like lava flows that can travel great distances?
15. The Cascade volcanoes are mostly made of igneous rocks of which composition?
16. Partial melting of mantle rocks will produce magma of which of the above compositions?
17. Which magma composition would produce the most explosive volcanic eruptions?
18. According to the Bowen's Reaction Series, which magma composition would have the highest melting/crystallization temperatures?

For questions 19-21,
a = intrusive
b = extrusive

19. Which group of igneous rocks forms from molten rock that reaches the Earth's surf-ace?
20. Which group of igneous rocks will experience more rapid cooling?
21. Based on cooling rate, which group of igneous rocks will contain larger mineral cry,tals'

For questions 22-25, answer by filling in the correct choice on the scantron sheet.

a = Coarse grained
b = Porphyritic
c = Frothy and Foamy
d = Glassy

22. Pumice is characterized by which texture?
23. Magma that slowly cools at depth results in the formation of which igneous rock texture?
24. Which texture consists of large visible crystals embedded in a matrix of very small crystals?
25. Obsidian is characterized by which texture?

Questions 26-65: general multiple-choice questions:

26. Which of the following parameters is NOT included in the definition of a mineral?
a. A solid substance
b. Definite chemical composition
c. Orderly crystalline structure
d. A melting point greater than 100°C
e. A generally inorganic substance

27. What are the two most abundant elements in Earth's crust?
a. Hydrogen and Helium
b. Magnesium and Iron
c. Nitrogen and Oxygen
d. Hydrogen and Silicon
e. Silicon and Oxygen

28. Which of the following is a very common silicate mineral in continental crust
a. Gypsum
b. Pyrite
c. Quartz
d. Hematite
e. Calcite

29. The fundamental building block of the silicate minerals contains:
a. Hydrogen and Oxygen.
b. Silicon and Oxygen.
c. Sulfur and Iron.
d. Silicon and Hydrogen.
e. Iron and Magnesium.

30. Which of the following is formed when previously existing rocks have been altered or transformed into a new type of rock due to heat and pressure?
a. Igneous rocks
b. Sedimentary rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks

31. Which of the following statements is true about magma?
a. Magma is molten rock generated by partial melting of rocks in Earth's mantle and lower crust.
b. Magma can buoyantly rise toward the surface of the Earth and cause volcanism.
c. Magma can also contain dissolved gases.
d. Minerals that crystallize from magma are mostly silicate minerals.
e. All of the above.

32. A volcano with steep slopes is most likely formed from:
a. Lava flows that have high viscosity
b. Lava flows that have low viscosity

33. Which of the following is a basaltic lava flow that is characterized by a surface composed of rough, jagged blocks?
a. Pyroclastic flows
b. Pahoehoe
c. Lahar
d. Aa
e. Pillow lava

34. Which of the following is a basaltic lava flow with a smooth and wrinkled surface?
a. Pyroclastic flows
b. Pahoehoe
c. Lahar
d. Aa
e. Pillow lava

35. Pyroclastic material that consists oflarge (>64 min) ejected fragments of semimolten lava that take on a stream-line shape are referred to as:
a. Lapilli
b. Blocks
c. Volcanic bombs
d. Volcanic ash
e. Spatter

36. In comparison to mafic (basalt) lava flows, felsic (rhyolite) lava flows tend to be:
a. Shorter and thicker - often forming domes.
b. More extensive and thinner often forming fluid like rivers of lava

37. What is the term used for a large depression formed by the collapse of a volcano or an area when magma is rapidly escaping from a magma chamber below?
a. Dike
b. Caldera
c. Crater
d. Fissure

38. Among the most dangerous of volcanic hazards, pyroclastic flows are:
a. Debris flows of volcanic materials mixed with large quantities of water.
b. Very fluid lava flows that travel down the volcano's flanks.
c. Towering columns of ash that are erupted high into the atmosphere.
d. Rock slides of already cool and solidified volcanic materials.
e. Glowing avalanches of hot gases mixed with hot ash and larger rock fragments.

39. In recent history, some of the deadliest volcanic hazards are lahars which are:
a. Debris flows of volcanic materials mixed with large quantities of water.
b. Very fluid lava flows that travel down the volcano's flanks at high velocities.
c. Towering columns of ash that are erupted high into the atmosphere.
d. Rock slides of already cool and solidified volcanic materials.
e. Glowing avalanches of hot gases mixed with hot ash and larger rock fragments.

40. Which of the following best describes the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens?
a. Small steam eruptions and ash clouds followed by lava flows on the volcano's summit.
b. The eruption of extensive lava flows from fissures at the base of the volcano that burned and buried a large area.
c. The formation of a series of lava domes.
d. A massive landslide followed by a blast from the side of the volcano.

41. The large caldera in Yellowstone National Park was formed by which of the following processes?
a. Collapse of the summit of a shield volcano caused by subterranean drainage from a central magma chamber.
b. Collapse of the summit of a composite volcano during a large eruption that empties its magma reservoir.
c. Collapse of a large area caused by the discharge of enormous volumes of pyroclastic material along ring fractures which drained a large magma chamber beneath the surface.
d. Huge steam explosions that blasted away an entire area leaving behind a large depression.

42. The Columbia River Basalts in the Pacific Northwest are a product of:
a. Multiple overlapping shield volcanoes like those of Hawaii.
b. Chains of composite volcanoes.
c. Pyroclastic flows erupted during the formation of large calderas.
d. The eruption of extensive lava flows from numerous fissures in Earth's crust.

43. An Astronomical t inn (AU) is:
a. The distance that light takes one year to travel.
b. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun.
c. The average distance between the Earth and the Moon.
d. The amount of time that it takes the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun.
e. A unit for measuring planetary mass.

44. What two physical phenomena keep a planet in orbit around the Sun such that it does not fall into the Sun or escape into space?
a. Gravity and the centripetal force
b. Magnetism and inertia
c. Inertia and gravity
d. Solar wind and gravity
e. Magnetism and gravity

45. The first of Kepler's laws of planetary motion defines the shape of the path that a planet follows around the Sun which is best described as a:
a. A perfect circle with the Sun located at the center.
b. An ellipse with the Sun located at one focus.
c. A spiral with the Sun located at the center.
d. An ellipse with the planet located at one focus.

46. Which of these statements is TRUE about the Terrestrial planets in the Solar System?
a. They are the most massive and least dense of the planets.
b. They have less spacing between their orbits.
c. They are smaller mass planets that are dominantly composed of gases and ices.
d. They are made of rocks and metals and are less massive than the Jovian planets.
e. Both b and d.

47. The Jovian planets are:
a. Earth. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
b. Only Jupiter and Saturn
c. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
e. Another term for dwarf planets such as Pluto, Ceres, and Eris.

48. Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. Which of the following criteria for planetary status did Pluto NOT fulfill'?
a. Is a celestial body that directly orbits the Sun.
b. Is not a satellite to a more massive planetary body.
c. Does not share its orbit with similar objects or has cleared its orbital path of other objects.
d. Is essentially spherical due to its gravitational pull.

49. Which of these statements best describes the Most widely accepted hypothesis on Solar System?
a. The Sun and the planets formed from the gravitational contraction of an interstellar cloud of gas and dust (nebula).
b. The Sun and the planets resulted from a single supernova explosion.
c. The Solar System formed from the debris caused by a collision between the Sun and another star.
d. The Solar System gradually formed as previously existing interstellar bodies were captured by the Sun's gravitational field.

50. True or False? Red light has longer wavelengths than blue light.
a. True
b. False

51. True or False? Astronomers currently have no way of knowing the compositions of stars because they have not yet been able to sample them directly.
a. True
b. False

52. What is the current source of the Sun's energy
a. Nuclear fission in which the atomic nuclei of heavy elements such as Uranium are split into lighter elements.
b. Heat from magma or molten rock.
c. Nuclear fusion in which the atomic nuclei of H are combined to form He.
d. The combustion of H which produces flames so long as Oxygen is available.

53. The distance to stars is commonly measured in what units?
a. Astronomical units
b. Kilometers
c. Solar diameters
d. Earth years
e. Light years

54. Which of the following stars has the highest surface temperatures?
a. Red Star
b. Yellow star
c. Orange star
d. Blue star

55. Which of these statements most accurately describes the death of a star like the Sun?
a. It will undergo a supernova explosion leaving behind a neutron star or black hole.
b. It will collapse into a white dwarf and shed off its outer layers forming a planetary nebula.
c. It will undergo a supernova explosion and leave nothing behind but gases and dust.
d. It will suddenly burn out and leave nothing behind but a cold dead core of ashes.

56. Which of the Earth's internal layers is composed of rigid rock that includes both the crust and ?
a. Mesosphere
b. Asthenosphere

57. Continental crust is more elevated than oceanic crust or sits higher on the underlying mantle rocks because:
a. It is thinner and composed of lower density material.
b. It is more porous and full of air than oceanic crust.
c. It is thicker and composed of lower density material.
d. It is thicker and composed of higher density material.
e. It is younger and hotter than oceanic crust.

58. The Theory of Plate Tectonics states that:
a. The Earth's continents have drifted apart as the Earth slowly inflated to a larger size.
b. The Earth's lithosphere is broken into multiple plates that float on a vast subterranean ocean and ocean currents cause them to shift.
c. The Earth's lithosphere is broken into multiple plates that shift due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon.
d. The Earth's continents move about by plowing through the thin, relatively weak oceanic crust.
e. The Earth's lithosphere is broken into multiple plates that move about on soft gradually flowing rocks in the mantle.

59. Which of the Earth's internal layers is completely liquid?
a. Lithosphere
b. Inner Core
c. Outer core
d. Asthenosphere
e. Lower mantle

60. A majority of earthquakes are vibrations of the Earth produced by rapid releases of energy associated with:
a. Disturbances in the spinning motion of the Earth's core.
b. Slippage along a fault or plate boundary in the Earth's crust.
c. Tidal forces from the planets, Moon and the Sun.
d. Meteor impacts.
e. Severe weather.

61. What type of motion is associated with primary seismic waves?
a. Compression and expansion of material.
b. Horizontal bending or shearing.
c. Rolling circular type motion like that of ocean waves.
d. Vertical bending or shearing.
e. Complex undulating motion.

62. How much more energy is released during a magnitude 8 than during a magnitude 7 earthquake?
a. Twice BA much
b. 10 times more.
c. 32 times more.
d. 100 times more.
e. None of the above.

63. Which is an earthquake-induced phenomenon during which water-saturated sediments turn into a mobile fluid?
a. Landslide
b. Mastic rebound
c. Liquidation Tsunami
d. Liquefaction

64. 1f a large earthquake were to occur offshore of Oregon, which of the following would be the safest location based on what you learned in class?
a. A wood-frame building on high elevation, dry ground.
b. A building made of solid brick or concrete slabs on high elevation, dry ground.
c. A structure built on water-saturated sediment along the Willamette River. structure built on steep slopes in the Coast Range mountains.
d. Wood-frame building located near sea-level along the coast.

For Questions 65-70.
a = transform
b = divergent
c = convergent - subduction zone
d = hotspot
e = convergent - continental collision

65. Where is new oceanic lithosphere forming as two plates are moving apart.?
66. Two adjacent plates slide horizontally past one another along what type of plate boundary?
67. The Cascade volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest are associated with which tectonic feature
68. The Hawaiian Island chain is associated with which tectonic feature?
69. Which produces a majority of the largest magnitude earthquakes with tsunamis?
70. Which of the following formed the Himalayas - the highest mountain range

71. Describe one of the ways that pyroclastic flows can form during the eruption of a composite cone volcano - be specific.
72. Explain how Crater Lake in Oregon was formed - be sure to mention the type of volcano
that was responsible for the formation of Crater Lake.
73. What effects did major volcanic eruptions such as those from Pinatubo. Krakatau and Tambora have on global climate?
74. What composition of igneous rock forms the upper mantle of the Earth?
75. Where did the largest eruption in the 2O century occur? Be specific.

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Dissertation: What are the two most abundant elements in earths crust
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