
What are the two features that make up an objects essence

1. The chapter says we need logic for...

2. What is another reason we need logic, according to the chapter?

3. What is considered explaining, according to the first reading on logic?

4. When a person has logically linked reasons to a belief, they have...

5. According to the reading, what is important when giving a reason?

6. According to the readings hypothetical, Arlene's argument is based on ...

7. With a deductive argument...

8. A false dilemma is a....

9. What form does a dilemma take?

10. An argument by implication or modus ponens takes what form?

11. Chain arguments have what type of form?

12. Which of the following is an example of false dilemma?

13. What does the reading say a fallacy is?

14. What is an argument from inconsistency?

15. Which one is begging the question?

16. Which one is a post hoc fallacy?

17. Which one is an Ad hominem fallacy?

18. Which one is an example of the straw man fallacy?

19. Thales arguments are what type of Metaphysical theory?

20. Thales tried to solve the problem of the..

21. The first Philosophical questions were...

22. Thales argues all is ..

23. Thales measured the Pyramid in Egypt using a...

24. Thales argued the earth floats on...

25. What is the ONE for Heraclitus?

26. For Heraclitus, what does fire represent?

27. According to Heraclitus, a person can't ...

28. What is the ONE for Parmenides?

29. For Parmenides, how many parts does the one have?

30. What does Euthyphro say he is an expert of?

31. Why is Euthyphro at the court?

32. Why is Socrates at the court?

33. Which one(s) was Socrates concerned with?

34. What are the charges against Euthyphro's dad?

35. What is Euthyphro's first definition of holy?

36. Why did the first set of definitions of the holy fail?

37. What does Euthyphro's family think of his actions?

38. Why does Socrates say he wants to know: what the holy is?

39. What is the charge against Socrates?

40. What type of definition does Socrates want, from Euthyphro, about the holy?

41. What is Euthyphro's second definition of the holy?

42. How does Socrates help Euthyphro's definition?

43. What example does Euthyphro use to justify his prosecution of his dad?

44. Which one was NOT one of Socrates accusers?

45. Which god does Euthyphro use as an example?

46. Which one was NOT an accusation against Socrates?

47. Anytus represented the?

48. Meletus represented the?

49. Lycon represented the?

50. What does the word apology mean in the context of the dialogue?

51. Socrates argues the real reason he would be put to death was:

52. Why doesn't Socrates want to be put to death?

53. How many times before this one was Socrates almost put to death, for political reasons?

54. What did Socrates suggest as a punishment?

55. Why didn't Socrates want to be a politician?

56. What did Socrates consider fearing death?

57. What is the name of the dialogue, where Socrates is in jail?

58. Who is Crito?

59. What is about to happen to Socrates in the Crito?

60. When Crito finds Socrates, Socrates is?

61. Whose opinion is important, according to Socrates?

62. Which one was not one of The Laws arguments?

63. Which one was not one of Crito's arguments?

64. The day after the ship arrives.....

65. Why did Socrates think the ship would be delayed?

66. What Does Plato argue an object is?

67. What is a form, according to Plato?

68. What are Plato's two realms?

69. When a person is liberated from the cave, what do they risk by going back in the cave?

70. In Plato's cave, where are the people chained up?

71. According to Socrates, where do humans get their knowledge of Absolutes?

72. Which metaphysical theory does Plato ascribe to?

73. Aristotle argues that all knowledge is gained by..

74. Aristotle laid the ground work for...

75. Aristotle was not the first to write..

76. What does Aristotle see when he looks at a brick?

77. What are the two features that make up an object's essence, according to Aristotle?

78. How many categories does Aristotle have?

79. Which category is responsible for existence, according to Aristotle?

80. Which one is not one of the four causes?

81. What is one potentiality of clay?

82. What is the actuality of a brick?

83. What is change and unchanged for Aristotle?

84. What metaphysical theory does Aristotle ascribe to?

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Dissertation: What are the two features that make up an objects essence
Reference No:- TGS02911030

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