Choose one of the movies (or cartoons) below:
1) Joker (2019)
2) A Beautiful Mind
3) The Aviator
4) Black Swan
5) Cinderella! (all movies and books of original Disney Cinderella is accepted!)
6) Other Disney cartoons: (Alice in Wonderland, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, etc.).
• Explain about the abnormal/dysfunctional /maladaptive behaviors (or thoughts/beliefs, perceptions, emotions) of the main character, describe the symptoms and explain about your diagnosis criteria.
• What are the treatment options for the disorder you diagnosed? When choosing your therapies, you will need to be specific. It is not enough to say you would choose a biomedical or psychotherapy/insight (talk) therapy, rather you must specify which type of biomedical or psychotherapy (for example: psychodynamic). Be sure to discuss therapeutic techniques. Each psychotherapy has numerous techniques. For example, free association is a technique in psychoanalysis.