
What are the tools and theories presented in this class

Essay Assignment

The Essay will explore these two questions to build a critical argument:

1) For the group you have chosen, what are the cultural particularities that do or might create a conflict with the mainstream culture this group is associated with?

2) What are the tools and theories presented in this class that could serve to solve such conflicts in a peaceful and mutually acceptable manner?

The Essay should introduce the paper by presenting the group the student is researching, describing the key conflict for the group, and arguing for a proposed solution. The body of the text will expand on the introduction by providing context and links to academic literature to make key points in the argument. The conclusion will build the final case for the solution the student is proposing.

The Essay will be assessed on the displayed comprehension of theories explored in the course, the quality of analysis, the clarity of the argument; and defensibility of developed recommendations.

The paper must include five academic references at a minimum. The paper will be 1200 words and is an exercise that students will complete outside of class

Steps to attacking this assignment.

1. Review the assignment details and breakdown the components. Narrow your focus. Objective: Show your understanding of UNESCO/UNDRIP frameworks for cultural protection

• With one specific ethnic /minority group

• And one cultural or ethnic aspect

o Heritage
o Language
o Education
o Religion
o Governance
o Media representation
o Trade


• Historical significance of the cultural aspect
• How this aspect has been altered

o By the nation state the group is from
o And by the nation where they currently live

Current Situation and Future

• What conflicts do you foresee with the mainstream culture (focus on the one ethnic aspect) Persuasive argument/Thesis statement

4. What tools and theories will help solve the conflicts (in a peaceful / mutually acceptable way)?

• Tools and Theories
• UNESCO frameworks
• Kymlicka's three patterns of multiculturalism.

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Dissertation: What are the tools and theories presented in this class
Reference No:- TGS02672681

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