
What are the three types of plate tectonic boundaries all

Assignment- Evolution of North America


Write a one page summary of the tectonic evolution of the region of the North American continent in which you live.

Assignment: Introduction to Geology

Instructor: Michelle Sutherland

1.) In 6 or more steps, describe the formation and geological history of where you live or just North America in general.

For each step include: the numerical age/age range of the geological event's occurrence, a brief description of the geological event in your own words, and the APA intext citation of your source.

2.) What was the main method of expansion/growth of the North American Continent on the west coast?

3.) What is a broad area of exposed crystalline rock, which has not changed for more than a billion years called?

4.) What was the name of the super continent that lead preceded the formation of North America? HINT: This was the super continent that broke up and pieces of were used to form North America.

5.) What are the three types of plate tectonic boundaries? All three have been used, and continue on today, to form the previous supercontinents, North America and the changes we observe today.

6.) Reference list, in APA format, of sources used for this assignment. And be sure that in text citations were included for all questions 1 through 5.

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Dissertation: What are the three types of plate tectonic boundaries all
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