What are the three styles of patrol briefly describe

1. Answer the questions after completing the following CJi Interactive activities.

What are the various functions of a police agency? Compare and contrast how these functions differ at the federal, state, and local levels. What would happen if the function and role of policing agencies was limited in the community?

2. What are the three styles of patrol? Briefly describe each.

3. What might police agencies do to improve the image of policing?

4. What changes would you recommend to decrease police corruption?

5. Define Police Brutality. What is the relationship between police brutality, police corruption, and other police misconduct?

6. What should be done to decrease police brutality

7. What you learned during the week and tell how it relates or could relate to you and/or someone employed in the criminal justice field. You do not need to write a summary of everything we covered during the week. What I'd like to know is what you found particularly useful, interesting, challenging, or thought provoking.


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Dissertation: What are the three styles of patrol briefly describe
Reference No:- TGS01708493

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