What are the three primary sources of short-term funds

Problem: Cash and Working Capital

Submit a Narrated PowerPoint Presentation incorporating answers to the questions below.

The PowerPoint should have a title page and reference page and address all of the required questions. The narration of your PowerPoint lends itself to summarized bullet points that you can narrate to address each question.

A summary is required at the end of your Presentation.

• What are the four general phases of the working capital cycle?
• What are the three primary sources of short-term funds?
• An organization's short-term investment options for idle cash include what four areas? List and provide their characteristics.
• Discuss the term float.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Financial Management: What are the three primary sources of short-term funds
Reference No:- TGS03171139

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