
What are the three models of cloud computing according to

Q1: What are the three models of cloud computing according to the NIST clouding computing reference architecture? List the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Q2: What are the major network management functions?

Q3: Compare SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3.

Q4: Describe DiffServ Code Point (DSCP).

Q5: What are the major Web application security issues and mitigation mechanisms? Please explain them.

Q6: What are the major Web peer to peer application security issues and mitigation mechanisms? Please explain them.

Q7: What are the cellular mobile network and device management functions? Please describe each one.

Q8: Explain the differences among an intranet, extranet, and the Internet. Provide three examples to illustrate an appropriate use for each of them.

Q9: Conduct research on the Internet and find what IoT vendor products and platforms are already available or about to be released - list at least 3 and provide a short description for each one.

Q10: Describe one real or future (even imaginary) IoT (or CPS - Cyber Physical System) usecase. Provide details on the system(s) requirements from user(s)/actor(s) perspective.

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Computer Network Security: What are the three models of cloud computing according to
Reference No:- TGS01081356

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