Question 1: What are the three active listening skills?
Question 2: In what way are open-ended questions more effective in helping clients open up than close-ended questions?
Question 3: What personal characteristics are human services workers encouraged to develop that differentiate them from other professions?
Question 4: What is empathy?
Question 5: What do the concepts of authenticity and genuineness mean when referring to qualities of human services workers?
Question 6: How might you show someone that you are verbally following them?
Question 7: Describe the id, ego, and superego.
Question 8: What are the typical tasks and relationship processes that take place during the oral, anal, and phallic phases of development?
Question 9: How do Mahler's phases of development differ from Freud's?
Question 10: With which population would Glasser's reality therapy be most useful? Why?
Question 11: What is the central focus of operant conditioning?