Adam and his sister Eva live in a beautiful home in the suburbs of a large city. Their parents are both professionals, their father is a well-known defense attorney, and their mother teaches at the local high school. Sometimes their father gets angry when he and his wife are arguing. In his anger, he pushes his wife around, hits her, and sometimes threatens to kill her. Once, Adam and Eva even witnessed him choking their mother.
Adam is an active boy, and one of the ways his parents keep him occupied is to allow him to play video games. Adam's video games need to have a lot of action involved to keep his attention. They are often quite violent. Recently, Adam moves on to games that depict men attacking and beating up women. One day, Adam is playing this game when Eva walks into the room. As she crosses the room, she walks between him and the video game. Adam misses a move he wanted to make as a result of this brief interruption, and becomes angry. He starts beating up his sister, stopping only when she lies unconscious on the floor.
1. Why do you think Adam reacted the way he did?
2. How else do you think children who witness domestic violence react, and why?
3. What are the different theoretical perspectives on domestic violence? Compare and contrast at least two perspectives to explain Adam's behavior.
4. Do you think there may be a biological factor involved? Explain your answer
Over 400 word essay with reference.