
What are the tax consequences to each of ann and bob

Problem 1: Patty, a single taxpayer, owns a 25% interest in a partnership that operates a retail business. Her share of partnership income is $200,000.  Her allocable share of W-2 wages paid by the partnership to its employees and unadjusted basis of qualified property are $75,000 and $700,000, respectively. Patty's total taxable income for the year was $275,000.  What is the QBI deduction that Patty can take on her tax return?

Problem 2: Ann and Bob formed a general partnership, Ann contributed land with a basis of $3,000 and fair market value of $10,000.  Ann had held the land as investment property and had purchased it five years earlier. Bob contributed $5,000 and equipment with a basis of $7,000 and fair market value of $5,000.  Bob had used the equipment for two years in his sole proprietorship business and had claimed $2,000 of depreciation.

  • What are the tax consequences to each of Ann and Bob?
  • What are the tax consequences to the partnership?
  • Construct a balance sheet to reflect the situation of the partners and partnership at the time of formation.

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Taxation: What are the tax consequences to each of ann and bob
Reference No:- TGS03223395

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