
What are the tasks that must be completed by you

Case Scenario: The client, Will Fowler, checked into a reputable ski resort in December2019. He has never skied before and so he booked some private lessons. He is 17years old and went up there with his friends. No parents accompanied them. They were staying in a chalet on the resort owned by the parents of one of his friends. On the first day of his ski lessons, he told the ski instructor that he didn't want to be embarrassed by going on the "bunny hill". The instructor took him to another hill, saying, "It's cool, man, I understand." Within 20 minutes Will had a bad fall and broke his left leg. He had to go home early from the trip. Will is furious and wants to sue the resort. He says it's there sort's fault that he broke his leg, since the instructor should never have taken him to a hill for more advanced skiers. He has had to quit his part-time job and has missed a lot of school. He may have to take an extra year to finish high school.

Q1. What are the tasks that must be completed by you before you even begin the interview?

Q2. Put together 20 of the most relevant questions you should ask the client. Your questions should cover essential information you need. Assume that we already have the address and other background information

Q3. After the interview, what will you ask the client to send or drop off to the office as soon as possible? [You must be specific, based on the fact situation above]

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Reference No:- TGS03292190

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