
What are the t-shirt designs


T-shirt Designs

Julio has one semester left in his MBA program and is looking at paying back some hefty student loans. Even though he has had to borrow money to complete the program, he's decided it was a worthwhile investment. Nonetheless, Julio would like to repay some of his loans before graduating if at all possible.

Julio has recently taken entrepreneurial and small-business classes and has decided to put some of this knowledge to work. He suspects that a number of his fellow students would be willing to shell out a few bucks for school memorabilia. Since summer is right around the corner, Julio is pretty sure that he can make some money by selling t-shirts to students on campus.

Informal conversations with people in the hallways have given him some ideas about popular t-shirt designs. Julio has narrowed down the possibilities to two. He's given sketches to a local t-shirt printing company, and they have made two prototype shirts. At this stage, Julio has no idea about the relative demand for the two t-shirt designs. If he's going to all the trouble and expense of having the shirts made up, it would be useful to know which of the two shirts is more popular.

The two shirts look something like this. The red shirt has a scoop-neck, and is made out of 100% cotton. On the back of the shirt is a logo of the school. Under the logo are the words, "PARTY TIME at PU UNIVERSITY!" Julio suspects that this shirt will mostly appeal to the party-goers.

The other shirt is more conservative. It is a white, button-down, collared shirt made of 50% cotton and 50% synthetic materials. This shirt has a simple, and small, version of the school logo on the upper right hand section of the front of the shirt.

Julio has decided to gauge the relative markets for his two t-shirts by running a quick survey. With permission from the student government, he has set up a table in the student union. The two prototype shirts are there for inspection, along with a survey designed to gauge people's reaction to the two shirts. He has a big sign over the table offering a free soft drink to all participants to induce people to stop by the table and participate in the survey. On the corner of his table is a big cardboard box with a slit in the top. Students are instructed to put their completed questionnaires in the box thereby guaranteeing anonymity of the responses.

The actual survey is shown below. The raw data are found in a file named T-SHIRTS found on my web page. Julio has hired you to analyze these data. Prepare a report about the preferences revealed by the data. Do most people prefer the red or the white t-shirt? does gender make a difference in preference? does age? income?

You may use descriptive, graphical and/or inferential statistical techniques to analyze the data.

Do all your analyses using the Excel spreadsheet.

Write your report in a separate Word document

E-mail both to me by Monday, December 4, 10:00 am


I am trying to measure peoples' preferences for one of two different t-shirt designs. Would you please help me with my study by answering each of the following questions to the best of your ability. Do not put your name on this page because all responses should be anonymous.

1. My gender is

1 = female
0 = male

2. My current or most recent scholastic grade-point average on a 4-point scale is _______________.

3. Circle the number that most accurately describes your attitude about the red and white t-shirts on the table.

1 = I strongly prefer the red t-shirt to the white t-shirt

2 = I somewhat prefer the red t-shirt to the white t-shirt

3= I like both equally or am indifferent between the two

4 = I somewhat prefer the white t-shirt to the red t-shirt

5 = I strongly prefer the white t-shirt to the red t-shirt

4. I am ______________________years old.

5. My gross annual income for 2005 was $__________________

(If you were gainfully unemployed, enter 0)

6. I am (circle one)

1 = left-handed
2 = right- handed
3 = ambidextrous

T-shirt Data Set

Gender GPA Preference Age Income Handed
0 4.00 4 34 20 2
0 2.90 1 23 12 2
1 3.70 4 32 27 2
1 2.50 4 23 22 2
1 3.90 5 27 20 1
0 4.00 5 39 75 2
1 3.40 2 24 24 2
0 3.50 2 27 30 2
0 4.00 4 28 24.5 2
0 4.00 2 43 45 2
0 3.40 3 28 30 2
1 3.40 2 23 0 1
0 3.00 2 26 30.5 1
1 3.70 5 40 24 2
0 3.90 4 31 30 2
0 3.80 2 30 0 2
1 3.10 2 36 38 2
0 3.00 2 26 32.5 2
0 3.85 2 30 40 2
0 3.20 2 33 23 2
0 2.00 4 29 24.5 2
0 3.00 3 25 25 2
0 3.70 2 29 30 2
0 3.50 4 29 40 2
1 3.80 2 26 35 2
0 3.85 2 46 27 1
1 4.00 4 26 24 2
1 3.50 2 24 0 2
1 3.80 2 33 49 2
0 4.00 5 27 34 2
0 3.50 2 27 45 2
1 3.30 1 24 31 2
0 3.60 3 27 32 2
0 4.00 4 26 25 1
1 4.00 4 25 25.5 2
1 3.00 4 37 52 2
0 3.78 4 29 28.5 2
1 3.00 5 26 0 2
1 3.70 2 24 18 2
0 4.00 5 31 60 2
0 2.97 2 23 14 2
1 3.00 5 29 0 2
1 3.61 5 32 50 2
0 4.00 2 46 65 2
0 3.50 4 31 0 2
1 3.40 4 25 25 2
0 3.50 4 25 20 2
1 3.58 4 24 0 2
1 3.20 4 27 20 2
0 3.00 4 24 25 2
1 3.06 4 25 0 2
0 3.20 4 24 18 2
0 4.00 2 25 25 2
1 3.00 2 24 30 2
0 4.00 2 23 16 2
0 3.20 3 27 32 2
0 3.00 3 30 0 2
1 4.00 2 29 0 2
1 2.85 2 24 0 2
1 3.00 4 40 0 2
1 4.00 5 29 40 2
1 3.30 2 25 15 2
1 4.00 2 47 46 2
1 3.50 1 37 60 2

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Basic Statistics: What are the t-shirt designs
Reference No:- TGS01891733

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