
What are the stereotypes in your chosen fairy tale


We all love them and grew up with them. Fairy tales were a part of our childhood and for many of us, are still part of our adulthood. Fairy tales exist in every culture around the world and are ingrained in the storytelling of contemporary society. For this assignment, you are going to analyze a fairy tale or fairy tale-based movie of your choice for gender role stereotypes.

Here are a few websites to help you get started. Pick your favorite fairytale or one from another culture!

For your analysis, address each of these questions for a total of 300 words minimum. You are welcome to answer them one by one, but please answer in complete sentences (half a point will be deducted for each incomplete sentence).

• What is the name of your fairy tale (or movie based on a fairy tale)? And when was this version written (released)?

• Are their old versions of your tale? What were their names/when were they written?

• In a few sentences, provide a brief synopsis of your story.

• Describe the female portrayals (Is there a female heroine? Does she follow any archetypes discussed in the lecture? Are they weak or passive?)

• Describe the male portrayals (Is there a male hero? Does he follow any archetypes discussed in the lecture? Are they dominant?)

• What are the stereotypes in your chosen fairy tale? How does your tale differ from earlier versions of the story?

• Embed an image you believe characterizes your fairy tale (include a citation for the image).

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Reference No:- TGS03309064

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