
What are the steps in the assessment process

Assignment task:

Patient Scenario:

Patient: AB, male, 45 years old, Caucasian

Admitting medical diagnosis: s/p MVA with a fractured pelvis and multiple contusions

Weight 165 pounds, height 5 ft 7 in,

BP 144/88 mm Hg, HR= 90bpm, RR 22bpm, Temp 99.0°F

Reason for admission: "I was in a car accident"

No known allergies

No current meds

Medical/Surgical History: Appendectomy at age 8 years

Neuro/Orientation: Alert/oriented to person, time, and place

Cardiovascular: denies dyspnea, nonsmoker, breath sounds clear to auscultation bilaterally; no cough; apical pulse 90 bpm and regular, peripheral pulses equal, regular, and strong bilaterally; skin warm, pink, and dry; capillary refill less than 2 seconds.

Nutritional/fluid: denies difficulty chewing or swallowing food, normal appetite; no nausea or vomiting; skin is elastic with instant recoil; nothing by mouth (NPO ordered)

Elimination: foley catheter to gravity with clear, light yellow urine; reports regular bowel movement daily but no BM for 4 days; abdominal bowel sounds are hypoactive in all four quadrants.

Rest and sleep: Sleeps at 10 pm until 5 am

Answer these questions:

Q1. What is another term for subjective data?

Q2. What is another term for objective data?

Q3. What are the steps in the assessment process?

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Reference No:- TGS03321498

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