
What are the special requirements of a patent drawing what



1. What are the special requirements of a patent drawing?
2. What kinds of information are included in an assembly drawing?
3. How is a detail drawing different from an assembly drawing?
4. Why are drawings numbered? Why is this numbering so important?
5. Describe the drawing revision process. Why is it so important to keep track of revisions?
6. How are revised paper drawings stored? How are revised CAD drawings stored?
7. What are the advantages of computer modeling? What are the disadvantages?


1. Draw a typical screw thread using detailed representation, and label the parts of the thread.
2. Why are phantom lines used to represent the middle part of a long spring?
3. Draw several types of screw heads.
4. List five types of screws.
5. Why is the simplified thread representation the most com-monly used drawing style?
6. List five fasteners that do not have any threads.
7. Write out a metric thread specification and a unified thread specification and label each part of the specification.
8. Which type of thread form is used on a lightbulb?
9. How are multiple threads designated in a thread note?
10. Using the abbreviations in the appendixes, give a specification for a slotted headless flat point set screw.


1. List the three important phases in the manufacturin process.
2. Define concurrent engineering and explain how it can be used to enhance the design and manufacturing process.
3. Define integrated product development and explain its benefits.
4. Define computer-supported cooperative work and discuss its relationship with concurrent engineering.
5. Define modeling for assembly and list at least two benefits for the modern manufacturer.
6. Explain the benefits of rapid prototyping.
7. List four types of materials used in manufacturing today.
8. List the five broad categories of manufacturing processing.
9. Give at least two examples of nanotechnology.
10. List four types of measuring devices.
11. Give three consequences of improper selection of materials and processes.
12. List four application of computer-integrated manufacturing.

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Other Engineering: What are the special requirements of a patent drawing what
Reference No:- TGS02562813

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