
What are the sources of international law provide an

Module- International Organizations (EU/UN) and Law

Lecture 5 Notes - International Organizations and Law


Lecture 5 Powerpoint - International Organizations and Law


Do the EVERYONE DO question and TWO additional questions for a TOTAL of THREE questions. You must write the question number AND the entire question/prompt before you answer the question/prompt.

1) Discuss the difference in realist/neorealist theory vs. liberal/neoliberaltheory regarding the prospect of cooperation among states? How do these two differ in their explanation of cooperation or lack thereof?

2) What are international regimes? What functions do they perform? And how might they lead to cooperation among states?

3) What are international organizations? What functions do they perform? And how might they lead cooperation among states?

4) How do international regimes and organizations differ? Provide examples of international organizations and international regimes? What do are the issue areas that each focus on?

5) International law has developed over time. What is just war doctrine? When is a war just?

6) What are the sources of international law? Provide an example of an international law from each source type.

7) Compare and contrast domestic and international law in terms of sources and enforcement. How do they differ?

8) What is the World Court or International Court of Justice? What types of disputes does it hear? Who are the litigants in these cases?

9) What is the International Criminal Court? What types of disputes does it hear? Who are the litigants in these cases?

10) What is the main function of the United Nations? How did this function originate?

11) What role does the General Assembly play? What are its powers? Look at the recent GA session. What were the main issues on the agenda?

12) What is the Security Council and what functions does it have? What are its permanent members?

13) Explain the function of United Nations peacekeeping forces, distinguish between peacekeeping and peacemaking, and describe two recent missions.

14) Identify several IGOs other than the UN or UN-related agencies that you think are important. Why did you choose these IGOs?

15) What are some current debates regarding the structure of the Security Council and the veto?

16) EVERYONE DO - GO to ONE of the respective websites of the following IGOs and EXPLORE its contents

United Nations https://www.un.org/en/
European Union https://europa.eu/index_en.htm
International Court of Justice [World Court] https://www.icj-cij.org/homepage/index.php?lang=en
International Criminal Court https://www.icc-cpi.int/Menus/ICC?lan=en-GB
OAS (Organization of American States) https://www.oas.org/main/english/
AU (African Union) https://www.africa-union.org/root/au/index/index.htm
OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) https://www.oic-oci.org/home.asp
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) https://asean.org/
WTO (World Trade Organization) https://www.wto.org/

FIND a SIGNIFICANT ISSUE that confronts the institution you chose to explore and DESCRIBE the issue and EXPLAIN the difficulties the institution faces in addressing that issue USING LANGUAGE from our course and especially this section of the course. (do not focus on a mundane administrative issue). What is one of their success stories where they have been able to promote cooperation for example or accomplish their objectives?

For this forum answer the mandatory "EVERYONE DO/DISCUSS" type questions and TWO additional questions for a TOTAL of THREE questions.



1) You have read and understand ALL the QUESTIONS and the ANSWERS to the questions posed on the Reading Reflections because YOU WILL GET THEM on the exam

2) READ the directions for EACH REFLECTION; you will be asked to answer certain questions and or be given choices.

3) In your answers, REFERENCE THE TEXT page numbers of our class sources(Lec Notes, Goldstein, Waltz, BBC). DO NOT GIVE YOUR OPINION unless requested... show you have read all the class notes and texts and CITE THEM; Always cite your sources; for example, (Goldestein 26) or (Lecture foreign policy Slide 3)

4) Always seek to use definitions, concepts and theories from OUR course material; you do not get credit for merely giving your opinion; in fact your opinion is taken into consideration ONLY when requested

5) If you are using information from the text or powerpoints, put these in YOUR OWN WORDS (but still cite your source); Do not merely type out text verbatim AND NEVER copy and paste; you should PARAPHRASE the texts.... Otherwise you are plagiarizing and only moving text around and not really learning

** Both QUANTITY and QUALITY are taken into consideration when evaluating your work on these reflections.

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