
What are the sample sizes and counts of successes


Q: A study of injuries to in line skaters used data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, which collects data from a random sample of hospital emergency rooms. The researchers interviewed 161 people who came to emergency rooms with injuries from in line skating. Wrist injuries (mostly fractures) were the most common.

(a) The interviewers found that 53 people were wearing wrist guards and 6 of these had wrist injuries. Of the 108 who did not wear wrist guards, 45 had wrist injuries. Why should we not use the large-sample confidence interval for these data?

(b) The plus four method adds one success and one failure in each sample. What are the sample sizes and counts of successes after you do this?

(c) Give the plus four 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two population proportions of wrist injuries. State carefully what populations your inference compares.

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Basic Statistics: What are the sample sizes and counts of successes
Reference No:- TGS01908995

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