
What are the rules used to read faces why do we control our

Assignment : Discussion Questions

By the due date, answer one of the discussion questions listed on the next page. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area on the next page. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible.

You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience.

Be sure to be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

Peer responses are due by the end of the week.

The discussion questions for this task include:

Facial Expressions: Research has shown that there are several things we look for when communicating that allow us to "see" multiple layers of what is being communicated. What are the rules used to read faces? Why do we control our facial expressions (what are the pros and cons to this)? Why are women better at reading facial expressions than men?

There is a physiological concept known as "fight or flight" that will occur during times of extreme fear or stress. What exactly is this concept and how do the brain and the body work together to carry out the fight or flight response? Is this a universal concept or is it dictated by one's environment/culture? What role does stress play in our ability to make decisions?

In reference to cognition, what methods does the text recommend for helping or hurting problem solving? What are some things that can interfere with our cognitive processes? What problem solving steps are routinely applied by most? Is there a connection to one's cognition and her/his emotions? Explain in detail and use examples.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs: In the context of Maslow's hierarchies, how do these incorporate in people's lives? Why do people go to college and what needs are met by this behavior? Do the hierarchies have to go in order and are they universal? Do you agree or disagree with Maslow in your own case?

Control in the Classroom: What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? What kinds of structures in the classroom would help students to develop intrinsic motivation? Can you teach an individual to be motivated intrinsically or extrinsically? Is there ever a case when only one is present and not the other?

According to the facial feedback hypothesis, we can affect our emotions by changing our facial expressions. For example, you can put yourself in a happier mood by smiling. In theoretical terms, how does this work? Use information from the text in your answer. Have you ever tried to improve your mood by changing your facial expression?

How is motivation defined in your digital textbook? What are the types of incentives that play a role in motivation and what are the incentives that motivate you to do well in this class? How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs help you to understand why you are motivated by these incentives?

"Catch the Feeling": Why do we catch each other's moods? How does this tendency benefit us as members of our species and society? Have you ever had an experience in which another person's mood affected yours in a dramatic way? What does the text state about why this occurs?

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Dissertation: What are the rules used to read faces why do we control our
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