
What are the risks of revealing mistakes in an open culture

1. What are the risks of revealing mistakes in an open culture, as a way of being transparent with patients and families? What are the risks of concealing mistakes and errors?

2. What are the differences you see between a culture of accountability, where people are held accountable for the mistakes they make, and the Just Culture approach, where mistakes are not punished, but seen as methods of learning? What are the pros and cons of each?

A few reccomend refreferences

Any other Reference list used be 2016 or newer. AnAnswer each prompt in 250 words apa intext citation and apa citation of scholastic reference used.

"Tooling Up to Prevent Never Events," by Cantrell, from Healthcare Purchasing News (2016).

"The Role of Patient Spirituality in a Culture of Safety," by Cascio, from ONS Connect (2016).

"Determining Minimal Risk for Comparative Effectiveness Research," by Joffe and Wertheimer, from IRB: Ethics and Human Research (2014)

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Operation Management: What are the risks of revealing mistakes in an open culture
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