
What are the right ascension and declination

Discuss the following:

1 What are the right ascension and declination of the point in the sky where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect in March each year? The Sun crosses this point from the Southern Hemisphere to Northern Hemisphere in the sky.
R.A. = _____ H _____ M
Declination = __________ degrees __________ minutes (+,N; -, S)

2 What is the name given to this point in space?

3 Against what constellation does the Sun appear to be projected in the sky when it is located at this point?

4 Now change the view from Earth looking toward the Sun, to that of the Sun looking toward the Earth. Use the blue direction buttons (Hint: Look 180 degrees from Sun. Turn on the equatorial grid, if necessary, and move 12 H in right ascension eastward). Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed from the Sun on the date in 1?

5 What time of day would the constellation in 4 appear to be on your local celestial meridian?

6 On what date does the Sun appear to be 23.5 degrees North of the celestial equator?

7 What are the right ascension and declination of the point in 6?
R.A. = _____ H _____ M
Declination = __________ degrees __________ minutes (+,N; -, S)

8 What is the name of this point in space?

9 Against what constellation does the Sun appear to be projected on the date in 6?

10 Now change the view from Earth looking toward the Sun, to that of the Sun looking toward the Earth. Use the blue direction buttons again (Hint: Look 12 H in right ascension eastward). Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed from the Sun on the date in 6?

11 What time of day would the constellation in 10 appear to be on your local celestial meridian?

12 What are the right ascension and declination of the point in the sky where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect in September each year? The Sun crosses this point from the Northern Hemisphere to Southern Hemisphere in the sky.
R.A. = _____ H _____ M
Declination = __________ degrees __________ minutes (+,N; -, S)

13 What is the name given to this point in space?

14 Against what constellation does the Sun appear to be projected when it is located at this point in the sky?

15 Now change the view from Earth looking toward the Sun, to that of the Sun looking toward the Earth (use the blue directional buttons again). Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed from the Sun on the date in 12?

16 What time of day would the constellation in 15 appear to be on your local celestial meridian?

17 On what date does the Sun appear to be 23.5 degrees south of the celestial equator?

18 What are the right ascension and declination of the point in 17?
R.A. = _____ H _____ M
Declination = __________ degrees __________ minutes (+,N; -, S)

19 What is the name of this point in space?

20 Against what constellation does the Sun appear to be projected on the date in 17?

21 Now change the view from Earth looking toward the Sun, to that of the Sun looking toward the Earth (use the blue directional buttons again). Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed from the Sun on the date in 17?

22 What time of day would the constellation in 21 appear to be on the local celestial meridian?

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Physics: What are the right ascension and declination
Reference No:- TGS01883637

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