
What are the results of the contamination on the environment

Historical Overview of Water Sustainability and Treatment

Write a 1050- to 1,400-word paper investigating a historical water contamination event. Examples include but are not limited to:
BP Oil Spill

Japanese Tsunami of 2011

Walkerton, Ontario E. coli contamination

Elk River (West Virginia) contamination, 2014

Camp Lejeune water contamination

Drinking Water Contamination in Flint (Michigan)

Research your chosen historical water contamination event.

Answer the following questions in your paper:

What were the results of the contamination on the water supply? Link the impacts to the key components of the hydrologic cycle.

What were the results of the contamination on the environment?

What treatment processes were used to remove the contamination?

What were the economic impacts of the contamination event?

What lesson about water was learned from your research?
Provide sufficient details, including data, specific location, specific examples, etc. to be more comprehensive and persuasive.

Include a minimum of two references from peer-reviewed sources.

Include an introduction and a conclusion. A good introduction provides an overview of what the paper is about and why the topic was selected. A good conclusion provides a wrap-up of what was discussed and includes key take home message(s).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Marketing Management: What are the results of the contamination on the environment
Reference No:- TGS01748538

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