
What are the requirements to take the credentialing exam

1.Visit the website of the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.

What are the requirements to take the credentialing exam?

What is the current cost and schedule for the exam?

Would you take the exam to obtain the Certified Health Education Specialist credential? Why or why not?
Speak with a CHES.

Determine his or her perceptions on the benefits of the certification. Determine the costs, including time and money, to maintain the credential.

Examine the Responsibilities and Competencies for Health Educators in Appendix B. They are supposed to be generic competencies, meaning they are practiced by health educators in all settings. Do you believe that they are truly generic? If not, identify sub competencies that you feel are not used in all settings. Are there competencies that may be practiced by health educators in a given setting which are omitted.

There are no specific references in the Responsibilities and Competencies for Health Educators knowledge about health content (e.g., sexuality, drugs, disease prevention, and nutrition). Many professionals feel that content is "embedded" in the sub competencies. How do you feel about this issue: should specific content be included; is knowledge a competency; can you determine if and where content is "embedded" in the sub competencies?

Question 2.2.
What are the standards and processes for a community health program to receive the SOPHE/AAHE Baccalaureate Program Approval Committee accreditation? Compare the two in rigor, standards, and effects on the programs.

Question 3.3.
Look ten years into the future and predict how educational technology will be developed and used. Remember to include satellites, fiber optics, Internet, personal recognition devices, and the vast array of personal devices available. Include applications to classrooms, worksite, and distance learning. Consider the effects of technology and accreditation requirements on the future of education.

Question 4.4.
Study the population trends in your state. For example, what are the rates of increase or decrease in minority populations, various age groups, and immigrants? What problems and opportunities do these trends suggest for health educators/promoters? Suggest some programming ideas to meet the needs of the shifting population.

Question 5.5.
Identify a current health controversy that is being addressed by the governing body of your state or city (i.e., health insurance for illegal immigrants). Consider the perspectives of both the opponents and supporters of this issue, state the reasons for their positions, and provide your own personal opinion as to how the overall health of the community would be best served. From a health education and promotion perspective, what strategies could you use to promote the benefits of your point of view?

Question 6.6.
Conventional marketing stresses the 4 P's. Read about the 4 P's and explain how they could be applied to social marketing for health educators/promoters.

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Science: What are the requirements to take the credentialing exam
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