A. Explain what is meant by "usury."
B. Discuss the difference, if any, between ethics and business ethics. How are they similar and different from one another?
C. How many ethical principles did George Steiner and John Steiner articulate? Name at least 8 of them, and explain with examples 3 of the 8 named.
D. Explain what is meant by a "natural monopoly," "destructive competition" and "externalities." Give one business example of each concept.
E. Explain what the supremacy clause of the US. Constitution stipulates in terms of federal and state laws and gives a business example of the application of this clause.
F. Discuss the various regulatory shortcomings that incite companies in an industry to request regulatory reforms, and give a speci?c business example ofthis process.
G. What are the recommendations for regulatory reform?
H. Explain what antitrust means. Identify and explain at least 2 antitrust laws.
I. What is a Multinational Corporation (M NC)? Discuss the various stages of development that MNCs typically follow as they grow.
J. Explain what is meant by a direct foreign investment and give a business example of this concept.