
What are the qualifications of individuals in these fields


The assignment has TWO parts: first, using the directions below, set up a 'FOCUS2' account and complete the four self-evaluation exercises. Then, pick ONE of four writing prompts to write a 2-page response that explores your major and career choices. More detailed instructions are listed below.

As a suggestion, read through the entire instructions before beginning the assignment, so you have a clearer picture of what to do. The written part of the assignment is, as usual, 2 double-spaced pages in length. Please format the paper according to paper guidelines (12 point, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins).

Your response will be evaluated on the basis of: a) how well you demonstrate an understanding of and engagement with the course material;

b) the clarity and quality of your writing; c) your overall effort on the assignment.

The assignment is due on Saturday, February 3rd at 1 pm, without being penalized.

You are welcome to write beyond the minimum page requirement for the assignment.

PART ONE: Set up a FOCUS2 account and complete all four self-evaluation components.

FOCUS2 Instructions

Create a new account, and get started!

Work Interest Profile Summary:

1. Click on the Work Interest Profile Summary and answer the multiple-choice questions (don't think too hard about each one, choose the answer that best reflects you).

2. On the next page, you will find a list of occupations and click on at least 3 that interest you. Note your findings about these occupations including job duties, skills, values, outlook, earnings, interest profile, working conditions, professional associations, and areas of study (associated majors).

3. Save occupations of interest to your profile by clicking "save this occupation" on the right hand side. You will be asked to say more about why the occupation was appealing to you and give it a rating.

4. After saving occupations of interest, click "Return to Main Menu" (top right) for your next assessment.

2) Personality Assessment:

1. Answer the questions for this assessment (don't think too hard about each one, choose the answer that best reflects you).

2. Review your personality summary- what does it say?

3. On the next page, you will find a list of occupations and click on at least 3 that interest you. Note your findings about these occupations including job duties, skills, values, outlook, earnings, interest profile, working conditions, professional associations, and areas of study (associated majors).

4. Save occupations of interest to your profile by clicking "save this occupation" on the right hand side. You will be asked to say more about why the occupation was appealing to you and give it a rating.

5. After saving occupations of interest, click "Return to Main Menu" (top right) for your next assessment.

3) Skills Assessment:

1. Answer the questions for this assessment (don't think too hard about each one, but do consider what you are already skilled at rather than skills you are interested in improving). You will then be asked to select your top three best skills.

2. On the next page, you will find a list of occupations and click on at least 3 that interest you. Note your findings about these occupations including job duties, skills, values, outlook, earnings, interest profile, working conditions, professional associations, and areas of study (associated majors).

4) Values Assessment:

1. a) Here you will be asked to select your top three values. Try to consider what values guide your everyday life.

2. b) On the next page, you will find a list of occupations and click on at least 3 that interest you. Note your findings about these occupations including job duties, skills, values, outlook, earnings, interest profile, working conditions, professional associations, and areas of study (associated majors).

PART TWO: Choose one of the following prompts to write a 2-page reflection about your possible major/career, and upload your response as a WORD document to e-Commons.

Prompt 1:

Self Exploration and Discovery Assignment:

This option is for students who are new to the self- assessment/career exploration process, and who are looking for a starting point in considering majors and careers that would fit their interests, abilities and values.

Part 1 : Using the UCSC Catalog research one major or one career that came up in your FOCUS 2 assessment results.

Part 2 : Write a 2 page reaction and evaluation paper on what you learned about yourself based on your inventory results. Based on the evaluation of this activity, describe your reactions to the information you found (surprises, validation, intrigue etc.). How has going through this exercise clarified, confused, or changed your self- concept? Which major did you research and what kind of information did you learn? Is this major a potential match for your skills and interests? Why or why not? What appeals to you about the major? Is there anything concerning? What are some next steps for you in terms of moving forward with your major selection and career development?

Prompt 2:

Major Exploration Assignment:

This option is for students who have a clear understanding of their interests, abilities and values and know of 2-3 majors they would like to explore and compare. Students choosing this option may not be aware of what career opportunities exist within these majors.

Part 1: Select 2-3 majors that came up in your FOCUS 2 assessment results. Using the What Can I Do With This Major? website and other career exploration resources, research career opportunities within these majors.

Part 2 : Write a 2 page paper comparing the majors based on career options for that major, related major skills, course work, and how this information matches with the results from your FOCUS2 profile. Based on the evaluation of these majors, describe your reactions to the information you found (surprises, concerns, challenges, etc.). Do you believe these majors might be a potential match for your skills and interests? Why or why not? Are you are still interested in these majors? How has going through this exercise clarified, confused, or changed your concept of a career and what kind of major may best suit you?

Prompt 3:

The World of Work Assignment:

This option is for students who have a major and couple of careers in mind, but are not sure what the career entails.

Part 1 : Using career exploration resources , research two different occupations you are considering, then compare and contrast the nature of the two careers.

Part 2 : Write a 2 page summary paper evaluating the two careers. The evaluation should include a description of the job, work tasks, work settings, salary range, education and training, employment outlook, internet sites related to the job, skills needed for that job, benefits, and opportunities for advancement. Based on the evaluation of jobs, describe your reactions to the information you found (surprises, concerns, challenges, etc.). Do you have reason to believe you would be skilled in these occupations? Why or why not? Are you are still interested in these careers? How has going through this exercise clarified, confused, or changed your concept of a career and what kind of career may best suit you?

Prompt 4:

Labor Market Research Assignment:

The Labor Market is the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers. Understanding the factors that affect the labor market of careers is an important factor in determining your stability and opportunity for growth in career fields. The purpose of this assignment is to research and compare the labor markets of 2 careers that you are interested in.

Part 1 : Using career exploration resources, select two careers you would like to explore with regard to labor market trends.

Part 2 : Write a 2 page paper summarizing your conclusions : What are the qualifications of individuals in these fields (education, licensing/certification, experience); what is the average starting salary? What skills are necessary for this work? Do you feel that you possess those skills? How do the following factors affect starting salary? (education, licensing/certification, geographic location)? What is the projected growth of this career? Describe your reactions to the information you found (surprises, concerns, challenges, etc.) How do you see your career evolving over time? How has going through this exercise clarified, confused, or changed your concept of a career and what kind of career may best suit you?

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Other Subject: What are the qualifications of individuals in these fields
Reference No:- TGS02644977

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