
What are the psychological stages of grief how does one

Writing Assignment: Researching a Topic on Death and Dying


A look through the Table of Contents of our textbook alone shows just how many topics exist relating to death and dying. What interests you about death? This assignment allows you to explore any aspect of the subject that you desire through research. Perhaps you have always been interested in the Mexican practice of visiting one's dead relatives on one day each year on the Dia de losMuertos, or Day of the Dead. Or maybe you'd like to know more about the ancient Celtic festival of the dead, Samhain. Or maybe you'd like to learn about the origins of the Vampire stories. Some people have always wondered about whether or not there is life after death, while others are fascinated with how death is depicted in paintings or in pottery. Whatever topic you choose, this assignment allows you to explore the topic in depth as you practice writing to inform others.


Once you have chosen your topic, use the resources of your campus library and the Internet to find sources relating to your subject. Make sure your search includes a variety of sources, such as Web sites, books, journal articles, newspaper articles, and personal interviews. Don't be afraid to ask your campus or local reference librarians for help finding sources. Once you have gathered and read your material, write a research paper that clearly states your take on the subject, including a summary of the information you found, organized in an interesting and easy-to-follow manner. Be sure to attribute the work of others in your paper by using MLA documentation style.

Questions for Research and Invention

1. How did humans bury their dead in prehistoric times?
2. What are the psychological stages of grief?
3. How does one learn to become a mortician or a funeral director?
4. How do other cultures deal with death and dying?
5. How has death and dying been depicted in art? In literature? In film?
6. What medical advancements have been made in the treatment of the dying?
7. Is there life after death? Is there evidence to suggest we can communicate with the dead?
8. What mythological creatures are associated with death and dying?
9. What are the various symbols associated with the Day of the Dead?
10. How do ancient indigenous traditions compare or contrast to Christian teachings?
11. Who were the gods of death and the underworld in pre-Christian times?
12. What are the most prominent features of the Aztec religion (human sacrifice, cannibalism)?
13. What is the impact of death on the environment?
14. What are the origins of the vampire myths/stories?
15. Which cultures believed in reincarnation?
16. What are the primary elements of the Celtic afterlife mythology (see Hallstatt and Reinheim Grave Sites)?

About Research Assignments

As you begin your research topic, recognize that good research papers should have:

• A clearly stated thesis;
• Information from a variety of authoritative sources;
• Skillful interpretation of information;
• An effective and clear organization;
• Smoothly integrated quoted or paraphrased material using MLA documentation style

Other information specific to our class requirements:

• Your paper should contain at least 1500 words, plus the Works Cited page. You may write up to 2500 words, but no more.

• I expect you to use evidence such as quotes and paraphrases from at least two scholarly sources, such as those found through books and articles in Galileo. You may also use internet sources, provided they are reliable sources. These internet sources count as additional sources (after the two scholarly sources). You may also use newspaper articles and personal interviews. If you use excessive quotes or long quotes, you must make up for that at the end of the paper. You don't want your quoted material to be one third of your paper, for example.

Remember, however, you must still credit your sources for all paraphrased material.

• Your introduction should contain a clearly stated thesis. This will be the point (or argument) about your topic.

• Since this is a research paper, avoid first person point of view (no pronoun "I"). Write authoritatively in third person (he, she, they, the Ancient Romans, the Aztecs, etc.). Get rid of "I think," "I believe," "In my opinion," etc., as these phrases weaken your authority.

• Since this is a research paper, avoid contractions.

• Clarity in communication is expected. Avoid awkward sentence constructions. Avoid sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

• Using MLA format is crucial, which includes 12 point Times New Roman font. Double Space. See the OWL Purdue website for help. There is a link in D2L.

• In summary, your essay will be evaluated on the quality of its content, writing, and documentation.

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