
What are the pros and cons of television

Problem 1: What are the pros and cons of television?

Problem 2: What are the pros and cons of the Internet?

Problem 3: How much does advertising on TV affect your decision making? Explain your answer.

Problem 4: Are pop-up ads on the Internet as effective as print advertisements or television commercials? Explain your answer.

Problem 5: Which medium/media (newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, or radio) do you use to find out what's going on in the world? Explain your choice.

Problem 6: Which medium/media do you use most for relaxation and entertainment (newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, CD audios, DVD videos, or radio)? How much advertising do you find in the media you use the most? Do you find this advertising persuasive? Explain your answer.

Problem 7: What types of commercials have you viewed lately on TV that you think were effective? What shows were you watching at the time? Were these commercials obviously targeted to a specific age group or consumer audience? Explain your answer.

Problem 8: "The medium is the message." "The message is the medium." What do you think is the meaning of each saying? Which one is more applicable today?

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Reference No:- TGS03337431

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