
What are the pros and cons of each at device how could each

DQ 1

Case Study: Sherri (Part One)

Sherri has always found writing very difficult since she was in kindergarten. She was recently diagnosed with a learning disability in expressive writing. Now that Sherri is in the fourth grade, whenever it is "Writing Time," she avoids GETTING STARTED. She, takes much longer than the other students because Sherri just can't decide what to write. In addition, Sherri's handwriting is not very legible and her spelling often does not make sense.

Furthermore, Sherri's academic struggles are now also negatively impacting her behavior. She sits with her head down or acts out in order to be asked to leave the class leading to problems with her writing progress. After meeting with the other teachers and Sherri's mother, they decided to talk with the school's special EDUCATION director to see what can be done to help improve Sherri's writing as well as her avoidance behaviors.


As the special EDUCATION teacher, please respond to the following:

What would you suggest the next steps be for Sherri's teachers to help strengthen her writing skills in terms of assistive technology?

How it can be implemented in the classroom?

What are the pros and cons of the device?(can she take it home?)

What would you suggest to Sherri's mother to make completing HOMEWORK assignments that require writing manageable?

Please complete one of the two options for the response:

Option 1 - Form a written response to the prompt and post it to the discussion thread

Option 2 - Develop a five-minute video recording using Jing and paste THE LINKS to the video within your discussion post in response to the case study. For assistance with Jing, please see the Jing Manual.

DQ 2

Case Study: Sherri (Part Two)

Now that you have researched several assistive technology devices that could help Sherri with her writing skills, how will you evaluate the effectiveness of the selected device? Also consider how you will begin to "fade" out the use of this tool, without her regressing, so she doesn't become dependent on it throughout her schooling. What fading suggestions would you also include for her mother to implement at home?


AT Device Evaluation

Conduct an evaluation of a commonly used AT device to assist students who have a specific LEARNING DISABILITY using the Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities article as a resource for this assignment.

Analyze three AT techniques/devices that address the same area of need (e.g., reading, writing, speech, math, HEARING ASSISTANCE, or vision assistance). For each device, address the following in your evaluation:


Specifications: Identify and describe the price, how to purchase it, the licensing fee, required training, and additional required materials (software, apps, adapters, etc.).

Audiences: Identify and describe the age, grade, or specific population for whom this technology would be most appropriate and explain why.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Evaluate the three techniques/devices according to their advantages or disadvantages in addressing challenges within their areas of need.

UDL Application: Explain how it can applied individually or class-wide as a UDL tool, and if it can also be used from home (is it transportable?).


Complete a cost/benefit analysis to compare and contrast all three devices-make sure to include any additional purchases needed for this device (such as apps for an iPad).


What are the pros and cons of each AT device?

How could each device be improved to make it appeal to a wider population?

If you had to suggest just one device to your administrator for purchase, which would it be and why? Consider factors such as AT for an individual and a whole class/school?

How would you design an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of each device over one school year?

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English: What are the pros and cons of each at device how could each
Reference No:- TGS01082572

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